Parade Balloon Inflatables2019-03-11T11:59:41+00:00

Parade Balloon Inflatables

Home – Categories – Parade Balloons

Larger Than Life Inflatables® makes incredible Parade Balloons, from 6’ in diameter to over 30’ tall! Small balloons work very well in local parades, getting out your message to a large crowd of people in a short time. Cold Air balloons work great on a flatbed truck.

Lyft Pride Parade Balloons

Lyft chose to use different designs and shapes of our helium balloons for various Pride Parades across the nation.

San Diego Padres Helium Baseballs

The San Diego Padres use our 10’ Helium Baseballs in many San Diego County Parades, as well as at public events.

NBC Peacock Parade Balloon

KCWY NEWS 13 in Wyoming uses our cold air inflatable NBC Peacock for their Christmas parade.

Sealed Inflatable Piggy Bank for Parade

Forcht Bank uses our easy to install sealed airtight inflatable Piggy bank for their Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Gary Busey 33’ Helium Balloon

HBO’s “Leftover’s” series used this giant 33’ tall Gary Busey Helium Balloon in their television show.

33’ Baskets the Clown Helium Balloon

The FX Network commissioned us to make this spectacular 33’ version of a Baskets the Clown balloon animal. They used it at a Los Angeles festival.

MailChimp Parade Balloons

MailChimp used a combination of custom Heart Back Pack balloons and Helium Clouds for a parade in Atlanta.

The Center Parade Balloons

The Center used our helium cubes and helium balls for a Parade in Palm Springs, CA.

Circus Parade Balloons

Feld Entertainment has purchased over forty 6’ helium spheres that they use to announce upcoming shows at their various locations throughout the country.

Looking for the best inflatable product?

Call or e-mail one of our experienced experts, and we will guide you in the right direction, and be there for you long after the sale is made.

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